Lebanon & Gulf Bank
Complaint Box

In 24 march 2015 I was requested to design LGB plexi boxes and frames to be distributed at all lebanese branches, I was provided with the size of the feedback card and the poster and they affirmed that the same width of the poster should apply for the box to be hanged under it..
Here in the Lebanese culture when you say something to someone and he asks you "who told you that?!" and you don't want to tell who, you say "The bird told me ;)" from there I started designing the box to make it look near to a bird house with a pocket for the feedback card and the extra space to make it easy when filling the card standing.

What I did first is to design the cut then I made a 3D model and sent it in a corporate presentation with dimensions to our client, after we got an approval with the quantity needed I designed the cut to be executed with the backbone and base in plexi 10mm with poster paper and double adhesive on the back, for the other parts I used plexi 5mm with vinyl and lamination mat.

After couple of tests to insure that the product is up-to-standard, I provided the specs for the whole quantity to our sales department so they can send a quotation with it the sample, then we got an approval and the project was executed and delivered successfully.